Not musical
- Links checked on 29 May 2024 -
Logos (portal dedicated to languages) (multilingual)
Discover Tintin (by Nicolas Sabourin) (in English / French / Spanish)
Website closed because of the intransigeance of the company Moulinsart S.A.
But a copy can fortunately be found
Hit the Marc ! (nice to see home page) (in English / French)
Jan Brett's Home Page (thousands of drawings in this marvellous website) (in English)
Liens Utiles (splendid search directory by François Pecheux) (in French)
Formatic 2000 (sur (very interesting search directory by Claude Trudel) (in French) (archive of the website)
EPSIDOC (search directory of documentary and teaching aids) (in French)
Framasoft (search directory of freewares) (in French)
Alain Vouillon's Website (a source of useful information on Windows XP) (in French)
Pierre Torris (who died in 2014) (on (freewares) (in French)
Gérard Ledu (personal freewares and mathematics) (in French)
AutourduPC (Laurent Bonnin) (all information on all the Windows) (in French)
Les Chromos Pedagos (Marie Elisabeth Journiac) (a stroll through time with delightful chromolithographs) (in French)
Pierre Wattiez-Watch (the fantastic worlds of Watch, painter and illustrator) (in French)
Mathématiques magiques (never say again that you don't like mathematics after viewing this superb website by Thérèse Eveilleau) (in French)
Y fo lire ! (science fiction, comic strip, encyclopedia for children, quotations, JavaScripts, etc. in this stylish website by Jean-Marie Plusquellec) (in French)
Langue au chat (French language in this lovely website by Daniel Roy) (in French) (unavailable on 29 May 2024)
Tout (everything about JavaScript by Olivier Hondermarck) (in French)
Simulation de Billard Français (French billiards simulation software by Laurent Buchard) (in French)
pdf995 (the best freeware to create PDF files)

Last update of this page: 2024-05-29